Obesity, cardiovascular risk, and physical activity in medical students of 3 Colombian universities. Multicenter study
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Risk factors
Cardiovascular diseases

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Bados-Enríquez, D. M., Basante-Gómez, J. L., Benavides-Castellanos, L. M., Santofimio-Bernal, O. A., Martínez, A., & Mejía-Gonzales, A. M. (2021). Obesity, cardiovascular risk, and physical activity in medical students of 3 Colombian universities. Multicenter study. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 7(3), 164–169. https://doi.org/10.53853/encr.7.3.628


Introduction: An important change in public health that the 21st century had was the spectrum of body weight gain as a pandemic. In Colombia, of young people and adults, one in three is overweight (37.7 %), while one in five is obese (18.7 %).
Methodology: A descriptive multicentre cross-sectional study will be carried out. 3 Colombian universities participated. The data analysis performed a descriptive analysis for the variables of interest.
Results: 233 medical students were selected. When analyzing the body mass index (BMI) the largest number of people is in a normal range with 75 % followed by a 19.9 % who classify as overweight. With respect to physical activity, we will find 46.7 % of the individuals carried out a high level of physical activity.
Discussion: Our study is consistent with the global reality, since 19.9 % are overweight. Physical activity where 58.7 % lead a sedentary life evidenced by the time that they remain seated where 110 people stay between 6 and 10 hours.
Conclusions: Research on cardiovascular risk factors, obesity and metabolism increasingly focuses on beginning to  analyze these variables from the beginning to avoid cardiovascular disease in the future.

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