Osteomalacia: from clinical suspicion to treatment: topic review
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vitamin D deficiency
physiologic calcification

How to Cite

Duque, V., Barrera, N., Gómez, J., Guerra, V., Ceballos, L., & Aristizábal, N. (2019). Osteomalacia: from clinical suspicion to treatment: topic review. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 6(4), 298–305. https://doi.org/10.53853/encr.6.4.548


This review it´s proposed to explore updated bibliography taking in a count the epidemiology, physiopathology, clinical manifestations and treatment of Osteomalacia to achieve a better comprehension about the disease and a proper specific treatment to this condition. It’s known that for a correct mineralization it’s necessary an appropriate input of vitamin D and it´s metabolic processes must remain unscathed. Vitamin D role in the human body is to maintain the homeostatic balance of calcium and the bone health; vitamin D deficit can cause Rickets in childhood and Osteomalacia in adults; this way, the most frequent cause of Osteomalacia it´s the vitamin D deficiency and in Colombia it´s prevalence is around 55,3%. Vitamin D is provided to the organism through two ways: endogenously from the solar exposition of the skin or exogenously from the diet. Any condition that alterate one of the two ways and produce a significant deficit of vitamin D or a detriment of its physiological effects can manifestate as osteomalacia. The clinical manifestations of osteomalacia, considering the wide variety of signs and symptoms, can be referred to jointly as Osteomalacia Syndrome. On the grounds that a multiple causes can produce osteomalacia, it’s advisable to identify the etiology of the clinical manifestations to establish an effective therapeutic scheme.

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