Se presenta el test de reserva pituitaria con Metopirona (SU4885) en 23 pacientes con amenorrea de diversos tipos, correlacionando las respuestas positivas y negativas con la eliminación de gonadotropinas urinarias.
No parece existir ninguna relación entre el test de reserva pituitaria y los diversos tipos de amenorrea, de acuerdo con la eliminación de gandotropinas urinarias.
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3. LIDDLE DE W.: D'ISLAND, E. M. LANCE and A. P. HARRIS.; J. Clin. Enerinol & Metab. 18:906, 1958.
4. KAPLAN N.: Assesment of pituitary ACTH secretory capacity with Metopirone: 1 Interpretation. J. of Clin. Endocrinol & Metab. 23, 9, 945: 952 Sept. 1963.
5. LIDDLE G. N.: Test of Adrenocortical reserve, pituitary reserve and pituitary adrenal suppressibility. Clinical Endocrinology I. Astwood| E. B. Editor. Grune & Stratton. New York 1960.
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7. REDDY, W. J.; JENKINS, D.; and THORN, G. W.; Estimation of 17-hydroxycorticoids in urine, Metabolism 1:511, 1952.
8. REDDY W. J. et al.: Determination of total 17 hydroxycorticosteroides in plasma, J. of Cl: Endocrinol. & Met. 16:380, 1956.
9. SAYERS, G.; AND P. C. ROYCE: In Astwood Grune & Stratton, New York: p. 323, 1960.
10. KLEEMAN, C. R.: H. M. MAXWELL AND R. E. ROCKNEY.: J. Clin. Invest. 31:1799, 1958.
11. BUSS, O. C. BINDER AND PETERSEN. Lancet 1:1040, 1962.
2. KLINEFELTER-ALBRIGHT, J.: Clin. Endo. 3:529, 1943.
3. LIDDLE DE W.: D'ISLAND, E. M. LANCE and A. P. HARRIS.; J. Clin. Enerinol & Metab. 18:906, 1958.
4. KAPLAN N.: Assesment of pituitary ACTH secretory capacity with Metopirone: 1 Interpretation. J. of Clin. Endocrinol & Metab. 23, 9, 945: 952 Sept. 1963.
5. LIDDLE G. N.: Test of Adrenocortical reserve, pituitary reserve and pituitary adrenal suppressibility. Clinical Endocrinology I. Astwood| E. B. Editor. Grune & Stratton. New York 1960.
6. REDDY. W. J.; Modification of the Reddy-Jenkins-Thorn method for the stimation of 17-hydroxycorticoids in urine, Metabolism 3:489, 1954.
7. REDDY, W. J.; JENKINS, D.; and THORN, G. W.; Estimation of 17-hydroxycorticoids in urine, Metabolism 1:511, 1952.
8. REDDY W. J. et al.: Determination of total 17 hydroxycorticosteroides in plasma, J. of Cl: Endocrinol. & Met. 16:380, 1956.
9. SAYERS, G.; AND P. C. ROYCE: In Astwood Grune & Stratton, New York: p. 323, 1960.
10. KLEEMAN, C. R.: H. M. MAXWELL AND R. E. ROCKNEY.: J. Clin. Invest. 31:1799, 1958.
11. BUSS, O. C. BINDER AND PETERSEN. Lancet 1:1040, 1962.
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