Thyroid and Aging
Cover of our Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2024
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Graves' disease
Thyroid Hormones
Old age

How to Cite

Fuentes Trespalacios, R. H. de J. ., & Suarez Guerrero, J. L. . (2024). Thyroid and Aging. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 11(2).


Context: Aging brings with it physiological and pathological changes in different organs and systems, the thyroid being no exception.

Purpose: To carry out a narrative review on thyroid pathology in the elderly.

Methodology: Reviews were carried out in databases (Pubmed, Scielo) in the last 15 years, with keywords such as Graves' disease, aging, old age, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism.

Results: Thyroid function presents changes in aging typical of physiology; however, in subclinical or frankly established pathology, the clinical manifestations of the elderly may vary compared to other age groups.

Conclusions: In the elderly, it is important to know the physiological changes, those frankly pathological, as well as those that are in the gray area, being a diagnostic challenge and hence the importance of identifying them, both in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism to make a correct diagnosis. approach in this population group. That is why relevant information and key points are presented for the best approach to these patients.
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