Choosing wisely and medical self-regulation
Cover of our Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2024
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Right to Health
Patient Safety
Unified Health System
Scientific societies
Decision Making
Protective Factors

How to Cite

Bernal Ocampo, D. P. . (2024). Choosing wisely and medical self-regulation. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 11(2).


"Choosing Wisely" is an initiative of self-regulation of the medical profession that is fully consistent with article 17 of the Statutory Law, which establishes the autonomy of the profession, but with self-regulation.
The Colombian Association of Scientific Societies adopts the initiative as a mechanism to carry out self-regulatory actions, taking advantage of this space opened by the Statutory Law, because it is a way of showing society that medical organizations are concerned about self-regulation, which has a very important effect: that of contributing to the preservation of society's trust in its physicians.
This initiative corresponds to one with a broader international scope, which began in the United States in 2012, "Choosing Wisely", and which has spread to various countries around the world. Currently, more than 30 nations have adopted this same proposal with other names, but with the same content and sense: to generate recommendations about medical behaviors that should be questioned or eliminated, either because there is no evidence that they work or because there is evidence that they do harm. Always based on the best available evidence.
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Palacios Bayona KL, Castaño Ceballos PA, Restrepo Giraldo LM, Builes Montaño CE, Ramirez Rincón A, Tovar Cortes H, et al. Choosing Wisely in Endocrinology: Recommendations from an Expert Panel of the Colombian Association of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism. Rev Colomb Endocrinol Diabet Metab. 2024;11(2).

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