Osteoporosis, a chronic ageing-associated disease: a public health priority
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public policy
health priority

How to Cite

Cabrera Guerra, J., Chalem, M., González, M. Ángel, Montoya Jaramillo, Ángela M., & Páez, A. (2022). Osteoporosis, a chronic ageing-associated disease: a public health priority. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.53853/encr.8.3.695


With the increase in the life expectancy of the Colombian population, an increase in chronic diseases affecting the elderly is expected. Traditionally osteoporosis despite having a high prevalence in Colombia (33%), is a underdiagnosed and undertreated disease, this represents that its complication, the fracture by fragility, is frequently presented causing direct and indirect costs to the health system that have not been fully identified. In recent years and from public policy, the MIAS or MAITE models (Territorial Comprehensive Care Models) and their routes of care have been implemented that seek to integrate the agents of the system to identify these diseases early, seeking to promote prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation strategies for the benefit of patients and their communities. This work proposes to leverage these public policy strategies to recognize osteoporosis, reduce the impact of its complications on the health and quality of life of older people, as well as the economic burden on health systems. It proposes six strategies to achieve this purpose: 1. Osteoporosis should be framed as a public health priority. 2. Epidemiological information systems for osteoporosis should be strengthened. 3. Achieve improved diagnosis through the adoption of FRAX and technologies such as bone densitometry in risk assessment models. 4. Effective access to diagnostic means and treatments for osteoporosis in all care networks should be ensured to promote health equity. 5. Strengthen self-management and understanding of the disease by patients 6. Strengthening the human resource in health in knowledge management and innovation for the provision of services.

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