Analysis of the behavior of antidiabetic dispensing and cost per capita from the perspective of a pharmaceutical manager in Colombia
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diabetes mellitus
drug therapy
drug prescriptions
hypoglycemic agents

How to Cite

Sánchez, O. ., Calderón, A. ., Forero, L. ., Albanes, J. P. ., & Huérfano, L. (2023). Analysis of the behavior of antidiabetic dispensing and cost per capita from the perspective of a pharmaceutical manager in Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 10(1).


Background: The consumption of antidiabetic drugs at seven measured by the increase in the number of dispensations and the cost associated with these consumptions.

Purpose: To describe the changes in pharmacological therapies and determine the variations in the per capita cost of antidiabetic drugs in Colombia.

Methodology: Through the observation of an open population cohort in which dispensing of antidiabetic drugs began between June 1, 2015 and June 30, 2017, with follow-up until May 2021 (2 years); the sociodemographic characteristics of the population were described, and the variations between the initial and final treatment were analyzed. Comparisons by sex and affiliation regime were made. SPSS was used for the descriptive analysis.

Results: The analyzed cohort had 11,782 patients, 56% men, with a higher concentration of the population (70%) in the range of 50 to 74 years. The cost per patient found at the end of follow-up was $108,271 (Colombian pesos, COP). There is a considerable increase in the per capita cost of $83,214 (COP) during the analysis period.

Conclusions: The costs of pharmacological treatment of diabetic patients generate a high economic burden for the Colombian health system.
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