STUDIA: An application to support carbohydrate counting by simulating glucose dynamics


Mathematical model
Diabetes Mellitus
Mobile Applications
Computer Simulation
Carbohydrate counting

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Builes-Montaño, C. E. ., Lema-Pérez, L., Monsalve-Arango, L. E. ., Naranjo-Cano, M. A., Sierra Duque, C. M. ., García-Tirado, J. F. ., & Alvarez Zapata, H. D. (2022). STUDIA: An application to support carbohydrate counting by simulating glucose dynamics. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 9(4).


Background: Carbohydrate counting is often considered the ideal way to calculate meal-related insulin doses. Several ways to improve carbohydrate counting have been proposed.
Purpose: We propose that carbohydrate counting can be refined via simulation and, as such, we present a mobile application for the real-time simulation of postprandial glucose dynamics: STUDIA.
Methods: We used a phenomenological model of the gastrointestinal tract, coupled with the minimal glucose model to recreate postprandial glucose challenges in people with type 1 diabetes (T1DM). A requirements gathering process was implemented to define the application's functionalities and technical requirements. In addition, a person-based approach was used to characterize the users. Technological stacks were evaluated under the UX/UI criteria, learning curve, flexibility, and the possibility of executing mathematical models with a resolution of differential equations. We used data from one patient with T1DM to guide users in how to use the app. Continuous glucose monitor readings were used for comparison.
Results: STUDIA is a mobile app built on Android Studio® with a user interface and a web-based administrative module connected to AWS®. The app, allows glucose simulations for day-to-day carbohydrate counting refinement, and patient parameter modification based on previous glucose readings and data analysis for comparison and clinical research.
Conclusions: We present the first-of-a-kind postprandial simulation app based on a phenomenological model of the GI tract for patients with T1DM and its subsequent clinical research use. STUDIA will be tested in silico with data from multiple meals from patients with T1DM, and in a clinical trial.


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