David Marine, the pathologist that led endemic goiter global eradication
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Endemic goiter
iodized salt
David Marine
thyroid diseases
Akron Ohio
World Health Organization
History of Endocrinology

How to Cite

Jácome Roca , A. . (2022). David Marine, the pathologist that led endemic goiter global eradication. Revista Colombiana De Endocrinología, Diabetes &Amp; Metabolismo, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.53853/encr.9.4.768


Objective: This narrative review describes the studies of David Marine, showing the importance of supplying adequate daily doses of iodine mixed with salt as a vehicle, for the prevention of endemic goiter.

Contents: This paper describes the life and achievements of the American pathologist David Marine (1880-1976), remembered for a well-designed successful clinical study, that -with the help of his assistant O.P. Kimball-showed the good effect of iodine given to a large group of female students on thecity of Akron, Ohio, from 1917 to 1922. Goiter was greatly reduced in the population studied.

Contributions: His studies stimulated the development of the current program of universal consumption of iodized salt aimed to eradicate endemic goiter. This program was projected in 1960 by the World Health Organization.

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