Se revisa la literatura sobre Psicopatías Tirotóxicas y se ilustra el tema con la presentación de tres casos.
Se hacen algunos comentarios sobre Polimorfismo de las alteraciones psíquicas sobre su evolución, sobre su tratamiento y sobre su incidencia.
1. ANDREWS J. B.—Exophtalmic goitre with insanity. Am. J. Insan. 27: 1 1870.
2. MEYNERT T.–Fall der Complication von Irrsinn mit Morbus Basedowii. Psychiat. Centralbl. 1:35, 1871.
3. ROBERTSON A. -On Graves'disease with insanity. J. Ment. Sc. 20:573. 1875.
4. BOETTGER.–Fall von Basedow"scher Krankheit mit Irrseis, Versammlung des psychiatrischen Vereins zu Eerln (1876). Alig. Ztsch. 1. Psychiat. 33:3338, 1877.
5. CANE L.-Conection of exophtalmic goitre with mania, Lancet. 2:798 1877.
6. BOETEAU L-Des troubles psychiques dans la goitre exophtalmique. Paris. G. Steinheil. 1892.
7. BOINET E-Maladie de Basedow avec troubles psychiques provoqués par l'ingestion de corps thyrpides en excés. Rev. neuro. 7:564. 1899.
8. LIDZ T. y WHITEHORN J. C.-Psychiatric problems in a thyroid clinic. J, A. M. A. 139:698. 1951.
9. SELYE H–Endocrinologiía, Salvat. 1952.
10. MEANS J. H.—The thyroid and its diseases. Lippincott. 1948.
11. AZERAD E-Glande Thyroide, en Glandes Endocrines. Enciclopedie Médico Chirurgicale. Paris, 1949.
12. WILLIAMS R. H–Texbook of Endocrinology. Saunders. 1950.
13.–LIDZ T.-- Emotion and mentation in the Thyroid, Sydney C. Werner. Ed. Hoeber & Harper, 1955.
14. MCGAVACK T. H–The thyroid, Mosby Co. 1951.
15. DUNLAP H. F. y MOERCH F. P.-Psychic manifestations associated with hyperthyroidism. Am. J. of Psychiat. 91:1215, 1935.
16. MAN E. B. y KAHN E. B.-Thyrod function of manic-depressive patienst evaluated by determinations of serum iodine, Arch. Neuro). Psychiat. 54:51. 1945.
17. DE COURCY J. L-Thyroidectomy in the mentally disturbed with exophtalmic goitre, with report of twelve cases in which the psycnoses was relieved by operation. A. J. Surg. 6:21, 1929.
18. REISS M., HEMPHILL R. E. MAGGS R. HAIGH, C. P. y REIIS J. M. Significance of thyroid in psychiatric illness and treatment: routine examination with radioactive tracer method. Brit. M. J. 1:906. 1953.
19. REISS M. J.-Ment Sc. 100:687, 1954.
20. BROCKMAN D. D. y WHITEAN R. M.-Post-Thyroidectomy psychoses, J. nerv. & Ment. Dis. 116:340, 1952.
21. MOSCHCOWITZ E.-The nature of Graves'disease. Arch. Int. Med. 46:610, 1930.
22. RUESCH J.-Et al. Psychological invalidism in thyroidectomied patients, Psychosom. Med. 9:77, 1947.
23. DUGAN J. B.-Psychotic response to attend psychotherapy in a patient with nyperthyroidism, Psychosom. Med. 16: 252 mayo 1954.
2. MEYNERT T.–Fall der Complication von Irrsinn mit Morbus Basedowii. Psychiat. Centralbl. 1:35, 1871.
3. ROBERTSON A. -On Graves'disease with insanity. J. Ment. Sc. 20:573. 1875.
4. BOETTGER.–Fall von Basedow"scher Krankheit mit Irrseis, Versammlung des psychiatrischen Vereins zu Eerln (1876). Alig. Ztsch. 1. Psychiat. 33:3338, 1877.
5. CANE L.-Conection of exophtalmic goitre with mania, Lancet. 2:798 1877.
6. BOETEAU L-Des troubles psychiques dans la goitre exophtalmique. Paris. G. Steinheil. 1892.
7. BOINET E-Maladie de Basedow avec troubles psychiques provoqués par l'ingestion de corps thyrpides en excés. Rev. neuro. 7:564. 1899.
8. LIDZ T. y WHITEHORN J. C.-Psychiatric problems in a thyroid clinic. J, A. M. A. 139:698. 1951.
9. SELYE H–Endocrinologiía, Salvat. 1952.
10. MEANS J. H.—The thyroid and its diseases. Lippincott. 1948.
11. AZERAD E-Glande Thyroide, en Glandes Endocrines. Enciclopedie Médico Chirurgicale. Paris, 1949.
12. WILLIAMS R. H–Texbook of Endocrinology. Saunders. 1950.
13.–LIDZ T.-- Emotion and mentation in the Thyroid, Sydney C. Werner. Ed. Hoeber & Harper, 1955.
14. MCGAVACK T. H–The thyroid, Mosby Co. 1951.
15. DUNLAP H. F. y MOERCH F. P.-Psychic manifestations associated with hyperthyroidism. Am. J. of Psychiat. 91:1215, 1935.
16. MAN E. B. y KAHN E. B.-Thyrod function of manic-depressive patienst evaluated by determinations of serum iodine, Arch. Neuro). Psychiat. 54:51. 1945.
17. DE COURCY J. L-Thyroidectomy in the mentally disturbed with exophtalmic goitre, with report of twelve cases in which the psycnoses was relieved by operation. A. J. Surg. 6:21, 1929.
18. REISS M., HEMPHILL R. E. MAGGS R. HAIGH, C. P. y REIIS J. M. Significance of thyroid in psychiatric illness and treatment: routine examination with radioactive tracer method. Brit. M. J. 1:906. 1953.
19. REISS M. J.-Ment Sc. 100:687, 1954.
20. BROCKMAN D. D. y WHITEAN R. M.-Post-Thyroidectomy psychoses, J. nerv. & Ment. Dis. 116:340, 1952.
21. MOSCHCOWITZ E.-The nature of Graves'disease. Arch. Int. Med. 46:610, 1930.
22. RUESCH J.-Et al. Psychological invalidism in thyroidectomied patients, Psychosom. Med. 9:77, 1947.
23. DUGAN J. B.-Psychotic response to attend psychotherapy in a patient with nyperthyroidism, Psychosom. Med. 16: 252 mayo 1954.
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