Se presenta un caso de hipotiroidismo secundario, consecutivo a un adenoma cromófobo de la hipófisis, cuyo diagnóstico se comprobó mediante la prueba diagnóstica de captación de yodo radioactivo, I-131, precedida de la administración parenteral de horomona tiro-estimulante. TSH. La prueba, realizada por primera vez en Colombia, constituye un método seguro, eficaz y de fácil realización para establecer el diagnóstico diferencial en los casos de hipotiroidismo consecutivos a déficit en la secreción hipofisaria de hormona tiro-estimulante.
1. MEANS J. H.-The thyroid and its diseases. 2nd. ed. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia, 1948. Pp. 91-205.
2. THORN G. W., FORSHAM P. H. and LAIDLAW J. C.-"Diseases of the anterior pituitary gland”. En Harrison: Principles of Internal Medicine, 2nd. ed. The Blakiston Div. Mc Graw Gill 1953. Pp. 600.601.
3. THORN G. W., FORSHAM P. H. and HILL R.-"Diseases of the thyroid gland". En Harrison, op. cit. Pp. 612-613.
4. CORTAZAR J.-"Hiper e hipotiroidismo, medicamentos y su manejo". Reimpr. de Jornadas Hormonales Ciba, Bogotá, 1954. Pp. 47.67.
5. ARMOUR LABORATORIES –Thytroparo, Lit. incl.
6. GOLDSMITH R. E., STANBURY J. B. and BROWNELL G. L._"The effect of thyrotropin in the release of hormone from the human thyrsd". J. of Clin. Endocr. and Met. 11: 1079-1094 (octubre) 1951.
7. HURXTHAL L. M.-Practical Endocrinology. 1st ed. Landsberger Med. Books, Mac Graw Hill, 1955.
8. YOUNGHUSBAND O. Z., HORRAX G., HURXTHAL L. M., HARE H. F. and POPPEN J. L.-"Chromophobe pituitary tumors. I Diagnosis". J. of Clin. Endocr. 12: 611-630 (June) 1952.
9. PERKINS R. F. and RYNEARSON E. H="Practical aspects of insufficiency of the anterior pituitary gland in the adult". J. of Clir. Endocr. 12: 574-603 (May) 1952.
10. D'ANGELO S. A., PASCHKIS K. E., GORDON A. S. and CANTAROW Å,"Thyroid-thyrotropic hormone balance in the blood of normal and endocrinopathic individuals". J. of Clin Endocr. II: 1237-1253 (Nov.) 1951.
11. WERNER S. C., HAMILTON H. B., LEIFER E. and GOODWIN L. D. "An appraisal of the radioiodine tracer technic as a clinical procedure in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders". J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1054-1076. (Sept.) 1950.
12. WERNER S. C., QUIMBY E. H. and SCHMIDT CH.—"The use of tracer doses of radioactive iodine, 1-131, in the study of normal and disordered thyroid function in man". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 9: 342-354 (April) 1949.
13. SHUMAN C. R.--"Hypothyroidism due to thyrotropin defficiency without other manifestations of hypopituitarism". J. of Clin. Endocr. 13: 795800 (July) 1953.
14. QUERIDO A. and STANBURY J. B.—“The response of the thyroid gland to thyrotropic hormone as an aid in the differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothyroidism". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1192-1201 (octubre) 1950.
15. SKANSE B,"Use of thyrotropin in differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothiroidism". Acta Endocrinol. 13: 358-370, 1953. Ref. en The Year Book of Medicine, 1954-1955 Series.
16. PERLOFF w. H., LEVY L. M. and DESPOPOULOS A.–"The use of thyrotropic hormone (TSH) in the diagnosis of myxedema". J. of Clin. Endocr. 11: 1495-1501 (Dec.) 1951.
3. THORN G. w., FORSHAM P. H. and HILL R.-"Diseases of the thyroid gland". En Harrison, op. cit. Pp. 612-613.
4. CORTAZAR J.-"Hiper e hipotiroidismo, medicamentos y su manejo". Reimpr. de Jornadas Hormonales Ciba, Bogotá, 1954. Pp. 47.67.
5. ARMOUR LABORATORIES –Thytroparo, Lit. incl.
6. GOLDSMITH R. E., STANBURY J. B. and BROWNELL G. L._"The effect of thyrotropin in the release of hormone from the human thyrsd". J. of Clin. Endocr. and Met. 11: 1079-1094 (octubre) 1951.
7. HURXTHAL L. M.-Practical Endocrinology. 1st ed. Landsberger Med. Books, Mac Graw Hill, 1955.
8. YOUNGHUSBAND O. Z., HORRAX G., HURXTHAL L. M., HARE H. F. and POPPEN J. L.-"Chromophobe pituitary tumors. I Diagnosis". J. of Clin. Endocr. 12: 611-630 (June) 1952.
9. PERKINS R. F. and RYNEARSON E. H="Practical aspects of in. sufficiency of the anterior pituitary gland in the adult". J. of Clir. End:cr. 12: 574-603 (May) 1952.
10. D'ANGELO S. A., PASCHKIS K. E., GORDON A. S. and CANTAROW Å,"Thyroid-thyrotropic hormone balance in the blood of normal and endo. crinopathic individuals". J. of Clin Endocr. II: 1237-1253 (Nov.) 1951.
11. WERNER S. C., HAMILTON H. B., LEIFER E. and GOODWIN L. D. "An appraisal of the radioiodine tracer technic as a clinical procedure in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders". J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1054-1076. (Sept.) 1950.
12. WERNER S. C., QUIMBY E. H. and SCHMIDT CH.—"The use of tra. cer doses of radioactive iodine, 1-131, in the study of normal and disordered thyroid function in man". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 9: 342-354 (April) 1949.
13. SHUMAN C. R.--"Hypothyroidism due to thyrotropin defficiency without other manifestations of hypopituitarism". J. of Clin. Endocr. 13: 795800 (July) 1953.
14. QUERIDO A. and STANBURY J. B.—“The response of the thyroid gland to thyrotropic hormone as an aid in the differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothyroidism". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1192-1201 (octubre) 1950.
15. SKANSE B,"Use of thyrotropin in differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothiroidism". Acta Endocrinol. 13: 358-370, 1953. Ref. en The Year Book of Medicine, 1954-1955 Series.
16. PERLOFF w. H., LEVY L. M. and DESPOPOULOS A.–"The use of thyrotropic hormone (TSH) in the diagnosis of myxedema". J. of Clin. Endocr. 11: 1495-1501 (Dec.) 1951.
2. THORN G. W., FORSHAM P. H. and LAIDLAW J. C.-"Diseases of the anterior pituitary gland”. En Harrison: Principles of Internal Medicine, 2nd. ed. The Blakiston Div. Mc Graw Gill 1953. Pp. 600.601.
3. THORN G. W., FORSHAM P. H. and HILL R.-"Diseases of the thyroid gland". En Harrison, op. cit. Pp. 612-613.
4. CORTAZAR J.-"Hiper e hipotiroidismo, medicamentos y su manejo". Reimpr. de Jornadas Hormonales Ciba, Bogotá, 1954. Pp. 47.67.
5. ARMOUR LABORATORIES –Thytroparo, Lit. incl.
6. GOLDSMITH R. E., STANBURY J. B. and BROWNELL G. L._"The effect of thyrotropin in the release of hormone from the human thyrsd". J. of Clin. Endocr. and Met. 11: 1079-1094 (octubre) 1951.
7. HURXTHAL L. M.-Practical Endocrinology. 1st ed. Landsberger Med. Books, Mac Graw Hill, 1955.
8. YOUNGHUSBAND O. Z., HORRAX G., HURXTHAL L. M., HARE H. F. and POPPEN J. L.-"Chromophobe pituitary tumors. I Diagnosis". J. of Clin. Endocr. 12: 611-630 (June) 1952.
9. PERKINS R. F. and RYNEARSON E. H="Practical aspects of insufficiency of the anterior pituitary gland in the adult". J. of Clir. Endocr. 12: 574-603 (May) 1952.
10. D'ANGELO S. A., PASCHKIS K. E., GORDON A. S. and CANTAROW Å,"Thyroid-thyrotropic hormone balance in the blood of normal and endocrinopathic individuals". J. of Clin Endocr. II: 1237-1253 (Nov.) 1951.
11. WERNER S. C., HAMILTON H. B., LEIFER E. and GOODWIN L. D. "An appraisal of the radioiodine tracer technic as a clinical procedure in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders". J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1054-1076. (Sept.) 1950.
12. WERNER S. C., QUIMBY E. H. and SCHMIDT CH.—"The use of tracer doses of radioactive iodine, 1-131, in the study of normal and disordered thyroid function in man". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 9: 342-354 (April) 1949.
13. SHUMAN C. R.--"Hypothyroidism due to thyrotropin defficiency without other manifestations of hypopituitarism". J. of Clin. Endocr. 13: 795800 (July) 1953.
14. QUERIDO A. and STANBURY J. B.—“The response of the thyroid gland to thyrotropic hormone as an aid in the differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothyroidism". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1192-1201 (octubre) 1950.
15. SKANSE B,"Use of thyrotropin in differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothiroidism". Acta Endocrinol. 13: 358-370, 1953. Ref. en The Year Book of Medicine, 1954-1955 Series.
16. PERLOFF w. H., LEVY L. M. and DESPOPOULOS A.–"The use of thyrotropic hormone (TSH) in the diagnosis of myxedema". J. of Clin. Endocr. 11: 1495-1501 (Dec.) 1951.
3. THORN G. w., FORSHAM P. H. and HILL R.-"Diseases of the thyroid gland". En Harrison, op. cit. Pp. 612-613.
4. CORTAZAR J.-"Hiper e hipotiroidismo, medicamentos y su manejo". Reimpr. de Jornadas Hormonales Ciba, Bogotá, 1954. Pp. 47.67.
5. ARMOUR LABORATORIES –Thytroparo, Lit. incl.
6. GOLDSMITH R. E., STANBURY J. B. and BROWNELL G. L._"The effect of thyrotropin in the release of hormone from the human thyrsd". J. of Clin. Endocr. and Met. 11: 1079-1094 (octubre) 1951.
7. HURXTHAL L. M.-Practical Endocrinology. 1st ed. Landsberger Med. Books, Mac Graw Hill, 1955.
8. YOUNGHUSBAND O. Z., HORRAX G., HURXTHAL L. M., HARE H. F. and POPPEN J. L.-"Chromophobe pituitary tumors. I Diagnosis". J. of Clin. Endocr. 12: 611-630 (June) 1952.
9. PERKINS R. F. and RYNEARSON E. H="Practical aspects of in. sufficiency of the anterior pituitary gland in the adult". J. of Clir. End:cr. 12: 574-603 (May) 1952.
10. D'ANGELO S. A., PASCHKIS K. E., GORDON A. S. and CANTAROW Å,"Thyroid-thyrotropic hormone balance in the blood of normal and endo. crinopathic individuals". J. of Clin Endocr. II: 1237-1253 (Nov.) 1951.
11. WERNER S. C., HAMILTON H. B., LEIFER E. and GOODWIN L. D. "An appraisal of the radioiodine tracer technic as a clinical procedure in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders". J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1054-1076. (Sept.) 1950.
12. WERNER S. C., QUIMBY E. H. and SCHMIDT CH.—"The use of tra. cer doses of radioactive iodine, 1-131, in the study of normal and disordered thyroid function in man". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 9: 342-354 (April) 1949.
13. SHUMAN C. R.--"Hypothyroidism due to thyrotropin defficiency without other manifestations of hypopituitarism". J. of Clin. Endocr. 13: 795800 (July) 1953.
14. QUERIDO A. and STANBURY J. B.—“The response of the thyroid gland to thyrotropic hormone as an aid in the differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothyroidism". Repr. from J. of Clin Endocr. 10: 1192-1201 (octubre) 1950.
15. SKANSE B,"Use of thyrotropin in differential diagnosis of primary and secondary hypothiroidism". Acta Endocrinol. 13: 358-370, 1953. Ref. en The Year Book of Medicine, 1954-1955 Series.
16. PERLOFF w. H., LEVY L. M. and DESPOPOULOS A.–"The use of thyrotropic hormone (TSH) in the diagnosis of myxedema". J. of Clin. Endocr. 11: 1495-1501 (Dec.) 1951.
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