Se presentan cinco casos de coma hiperglicémico no cetosico observados durante el último año en la Unidad de Endocrinología del Hospital San Juan de Dios se discuten los hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio y se mencionan las hipótesis sobre sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos.
1. Umber-Berlin, F.: Stoffwechselkrankheiten. II Der Diabetes Mellitus. Munchen, Med. Wschir 71:1324, 1924.
2. Sament, S. and Schwartz, M.B.: Severe diabetic stupor without ketosis. S. African. Med. J. 31:893, 1957
3. Jackson, W.P.U. and Forman, R.: Hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma. Diabetes. 15:714, 1966.
4. Tyler, F.H.: Hyperosmolar coma. American J. Med. 45:485, 1968.
5. Halmos, P. B.: Hyperosmolar non-ketoacidotic diabetic coma, in a patient with necrotizing pancreatitis. Brit. Med. J. 2:686 1966.
6. Potter, D.J.: Death as a result of hyperglycemia without ketosis a complication of hemodialysis. Ann. Intern. Med. 64; 399, 1966.
7. Bailey, B.N.: Hyperglycemia in Burns. Brit. Med. J. 2:1783, 1960
8. Rosemberg, S.A. et al.: The syndrome of dehydration, coma and severe hyperglycemia withouth ketosis in patients convalescing from burns.
9. McCurdy, D.K.: Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non ketotic Coma. Med. Clin. of North America. 54:683, 1970.
10. Kumur, R.S.: Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma. Lancent 1:48, 1968.
11. Boyer M.H.: Hyperosmolar anacidotic coma in association with glucocorticoid therapy. JAMA. 2202:1,007, 1967.
12. Pyrola K. at al: Steroid therapy hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma. Lancet :596, 1958.
13. Spenney, J. G. et al: Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoacidotic diabetes. A complication of Steroid and Inmunosuppressive therapy. Diabetes 18:107,
14. Goldberg, E.M. et al: Hyperglycemic monketotic coma following administration of Dilantin (Diphenylhydantoin) Diabetes. 18:101, 1969.
15. Maccario, M. : Neurological disfunction associatted with non-ketotic hyperglycemia. Arch. of Neurology 19:525, 1968.
16. Maccario, M. et al: Focal seizures as a manifestation of Non-ketotik hyperglycemia. Neurology 15:195,1965.
17. Seltzer, H.S. and Harris, V.L.: Exhaustion of insulinogenic reserve in marity onset diabetic patients during prolonged and continuos hyperglycemic stress. Diabetes 13:6, 1964.
18. Henry, D.P. and Bressler, R.: Serum insulin levels in non-ketotic hyperosmotic diabetes mellitus. Amer. J. Med Sciences. 256:150, 1068.
19. Johnson, R.D. et al.: Mechanism and managment of hyperosmolar coma without ketoacidosis in diabetics. Diabetes. 18:111. 1969.
20. Oakes et al.: Hyperglycemic non-ketotic coma in the patient with burns. actors in pathogenesis. Metabolism. 18:03, 1969.
21. Zierler, K.L. and Rabinowitz, D. Effect of very small concentration of insulin on forearm metabolism. Persistence of its action on potasium and free atty acids without its effects on glucose. J. Clin. Investigation. 43:950, 1964.
22. Clements, R.S. et al.: Acute cerebral edema during treatment of hyperPolycemia. Lancest. 2:384, 1968
2. Sament, S. and Schwartz, M.B.: Severe diabetic stupor without ketosis. S. African. Med. J. 31:893, 1957
3. Jackson, W.P.U. and Forman, R.: Hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma. Diabetes. 15:714, 1966.
4. Tyler, F.H.: Hyperosmolar coma. American J. Med. 45:485, 1968.
5. Halmos, P. B.: Hyperosmolar non-ketoacidotic diabetic coma, in a patient with necrotizing pancreatitis. Brit. Med. J. 2:686 1966.
6. Potter, D.J.: Death as a result of hyperglycemia without ketosis a complication of hemodialysis. Ann. Intern. Med. 64; 399, 1966.
7. Bailey, B.N.: Hyperglycemia in Burns. Brit. Med. J. 2:1783, 1960
8. Rosemberg, S.A. et al.: The syndrome of dehydration, coma and severe hyperglycemia withouth ketosis in patients convalescing from burns.
9. McCurdy, D.K.: Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non ketotic Coma. Med. Clin. of North America. 54:683, 1970.
10. Kumur, R.S.: Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma. Lancent 1:48, 1968.
11. Boyer M.H.: Hyperosmolar anacidotic coma in association with glucocorticoid therapy. JAMA. 2202:1,007, 1967.
12. Pyrola K. at al: Steroid therapy hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma. Lancet :596, 1958.
13. Spenney, J. G. et al: Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoacidotic diabetes. A complication of Steroid and Inmunosuppressive therapy. Diabetes 18:107,
14. Goldberg, E.M. et al: Hyperglycemic monketotic coma following administration of Dilantin (Diphenylhydantoin) Diabetes. 18:101, 1969.
15. Maccario, M. : Neurological disfunction associatted with non-ketotic hyperglycemia. Arch. of Neurology 19:525, 1968.
16. Maccario, M. et al: Focal seizures as a manifestation of Non-ketotik hyperglycemia. Neurology 15:195,1965.
17. Seltzer, H.S. and Harris, V.L.: Exhaustion of insulinogenic reserve in marity onset diabetic patients during prolonged and continuos hyperglycemic stress. Diabetes 13:6, 1964.
18. Henry, D.P. and Bressler, R.: Serum insulin levels in non-ketotic hyperosmotic diabetes mellitus. Amer. J. Med Sciences. 256:150, 1068.
19. Johnson, R.D. et al.: Mechanism and managment of hyperosmolar coma without ketoacidosis in diabetics. Diabetes. 18:111. 1969.
20. Oakes et al.: Hyperglycemic non-ketotic coma in the patient with burns. actors in pathogenesis. Metabolism. 18:03, 1969.
21. Zierler, K.L. and Rabinowitz, D. Effect of very small concentration of insulin on forearm metabolism. Persistence of its action on potasium and free atty acids without its effects on glucose. J. Clin. Investigation. 43:950, 1964.
22. Clements, R.S. et al.: Acute cerebral edema during treatment of hyperPolycemia. Lancest. 2:384, 1968
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