Los trabajos clinicos y experimentales sobre la Diabetes Mellitus hasta comienzos del presente siglo tuvieron su culminación en la producción de hiperglicemia por pancreatectomía, por Von Mering y Minkowsky, y el aislamiento de la Insulina por Banting y Best. Todo hacía pensar que la enfermedad humana que nos ocupa era el resultado de una lesión de las células beta del Páncreas y el consiguiente déficit, parcial o total, de Insulina. Anotemos, sin embargo, que hacia 1860 Claude Bernard sostenía un origen hepático de la hiperglicemia. Muchos recuentos históricos existen sobre la evolución de las ideas hasta 1922. Algunos de ellos son excelentes y sería supérfluo, y fuera de lugar, ocuparnos de ello. Nuestro propósito es solamente revisar lo sucedido desde hace aproximadamente 17 años.
2. BANTING F. C., BEST C. H. The internal secretion of the pancreas. J. Lab. & Clin. Med. 7: 251-266, 1922.
3. CLAUDE BERNARD. Sur le mécanisme de la formation du sucre dans le foie. Comptes rend. de l'Acad. des Sciences. 24 Septembre 1855.
4. BORNSTEIN J. TREWHELLA P. Plasma Insulin levels in Diabetes Mellitus in man. Austr. J. Exper. Biol. 28: 569-572, 1950.
5. GEMMILL C. L. The effects of glucose and of Insulin on glucose utilization by isolated muscles. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 68: 50-62, 1941.
6. GROEN J., KAMMINGA C. E., WILLEBRANDS A, F., BLICKMAN J. B., Evidence for the presence of Insulin in blood serum. A method for an approximate determination of the Insulin content of blood. J. Clin. Invest. 31: 37, 1952.
7. RANDLE P. J. Assay of plasma-insulin activity by rat diaphragm method. Brit. Med. J. 1: 1237-1240, 1954.
8. VALLANCE-OWEN J. HURLOCK, B. Estimation of plasma Insulin by rat diaphragm method. Endocrinology. 60: 625-633, 1957.
9. MARTIN D. B., RENOLD A. E., DAGENAIS Y. M. An Assay for Insulin-like activity using rat adipose tissue. Lancet 2: 76-77, 1958. 10. RENOLD A. E.. MARTIN D. B., DAGENAIS Y. M. STEINKE J., NICKERSON R. J., SHEPS M. C. Measurement of small quantities of Insulin-like-activity using rat adipose tissue. I. A proposed procedure. J. Clin. Invest. 39: 14-87, 1960.
11. ARQUILLA E. R. RODARI T. y CROSIGNANI P. G.: Determinazione inmunoligica dell' insulina plasmatica. Aspetti metodologici. Arch. Sci. Med. 100:471-470, 1960.
12. YALOW R. S. y BERSON S. A. Inmunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in man. J. Clin. Invest. 39: 11-57, 1960.
13. SAMOLS E. y BILKUS D. A comparison of Insulin inmunoassays. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 115/1: 79-84, 1964.
14. HALES C. N. Plasma Insulin in Diabetes. Ciba Colloquia on Endocrinology. 15: 140-155, 1964.
15. POWER L., REYES-LEAL B. y CONN J. w. Serum Insulin-like activity in genetic and experimental Diabetes Mellitus. Metabolism. 13: 1297-1309, 1964.
16. STEINKE J., CAMERINI R., MARBLE A. y RENOLD A. E. Elevated levels of serum Insulin-like activity (ILA) as measured with adipose tissue in early untreated Diabetes and Prediabetes. Metabolism. 10: 707-711, 1961.
17. ANTONIADES H., BEIGELMAN P. M., TRANQUADA R. B. y GUNDERSEN K. Studies on the state of Insulin in blood: free Insulin and Insulin complexe in human sera and their in vitro biological properties. Endocrinology. 69: 46-54, 1961.
18. ANTONIADES H. y GUNDERSEN K. Studies in the state of Insulin in blood: meterials and methods for the estimation of "free" and "bound" Insulin-like activity in serum. Endocrinology. 70: 95-98, 1962.
19. ANTONIADES H., GUNDERSEN K., BEIGELMAN P. M., PYLE H. M. y BOUGAS J. Studies on the state, transport and regulation of Insulin in human blood. Diabetes. 11: 261, 1962.
20. ANTONIADES H. “Bound" Insulin and tissue resistance to Insulin. Lancet. 159-160, July 24 1965.
21. SAMAAN N. A., DEMPSTER w. J., FRASER y STILLMAN D. Inmunological studies on two forms of circulating Insulin. Biochem. J. 82: 29 P., 1962.
22. VALLANCE-OWEN J., HURLOCK B. y PLEASE N. W. Plasma Insulin activity in Diabetes Mellitus measured by the rat diaphragm technic. Lancet. 2:583-87, 1955.
23. VALLANCE-OWEN J. y ASHTON W. L. Cardiac infarction and Insulin antagonism. Lancet 1, 785, 1963.
24. VALLANCE-OWEN J. y ASHTON W.L. Inheritance of essential Diabetes Mellitus from studies of the synalbumin insulin antagonist. Diabetes. 12: 356, 1963.
25. RANDLE P. J., HALES C. N., GARLAND P. B. y NEWSHOLME E. A. The glucose fatty-acid Cycle. Its role in Insulin insensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of Diabetes Mellitus. Lancet 1, 785, 1963.
26. CONN J. W. Hypertension, the Potassium ion and impaired carbohydrate tolerance. New Engl. J. of Med. 273: 1135-1143, 1965.
27. CONN J.W., KNOPF R. F. y NESBIT R. M. Clinical characteristics of Primary Aldosteronism from analysis of 145 cases. Am. J. of Surgery. 107: 159-172, 1964.
28. WOLFF F. N.. PARMLEY W. W., WHITE K. y OKUN R. Drug induced Diabetes. Diabetogenic activity of long term administration of Benzothiadiazines. J. Am. Med. As. 185: 864-74, 1963.
29. FAJANS S., FLOYD J. C. Jr., KNOPF R. F., RULL J., GUNTSCHE E. y CONN J. W. Evidence that decreased insulin secretion contributes to benzothiadiazine-induced hyperglycemia. Program of the 47th Meeting of the Endocrine Society, New York City. P. 66, June 17-19, 1965.
30. SELTZER H. S. y SMITH W. L. Plasma Insulin activity after glucose. An index of insulogenic reserve in normal and diabetic man. Diabetes 8: 417, 1959.