Changes in the periphereal metabolism of L-thyroxine (T4) have been described in certain patients with sporadic and endemic goiter.
Information about this aspect is not available for patients from the Cauca Valley endemic goiter area and for patients living in tropical or subtropical climate.
We have investigated the peripheral metabolism of L-T4 in 7 euthyroid goitrus and non-goitrus subjects from the endemic goiter area of the Cauca Valley under controlled conditions of a metabolic ward of hospital. Adolescents with diffuse goiter had a significantly higher daily degradation rate of T4 (p>0.001) and extra-thyroidal iodide pool (p 0.02) than non-gointrous adolescents or adults with nodular goiter. Fecal excretion of T4 was not different in the three groups. The study suggest that adolescents with diffuse goiter from the Cauca Valley have an accelerated peripheral metabolism of T4. This may play a role in goitrogenessis in these children.
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